Seit Singapore ein großer Milo-Fan - hier eine Sammlung verschiedener Variationen mit dem süßen Pulver:
Milo Dinosaur:- 6 teaspoons of MILO
- ½ teapoons of condensed milk (more if you want a sugar rush)
- 200ml hot water
- crushed ice cubes
- extra MILO powder
1. Mix MILO with condensed milk in a glass, 2. Pour in hot water and stir well, 3. Add-in ice cubes till full, 4. Heap on 2 teaspoons of MILO before serving, 5. Enjoy!
Milo Godzilla: a cup of Milo with ice cream or topped with whipped cream
Milo toast: spread some condensed milk over lightly-toasted bread and sprinkle Milo on top
Milo-banana smoothy: with 3 tablespoons milo and 1 of honey - optional: cinnamon
Milo-Cake:pre-heat oven to 180°C, grease deep 18cm cake tin
- 125g unsalted butter
- 3/4 cup of sugar
- 4 drops of vanilla extract
- 2 eggs, beated
- 4 tablespoons of milo
- 2 tablespoons of milk
-2 cups of self-raising flour, sifted
- 1/2 cup of milk
Cream butter, sugar and vanilla extract. Add eggs, add milo to the 2 tb spoons of milk, add to butter mixture. Add flour and milk, a little at a time, alternating between the flour and milk using a metal spoon to mix. Spread into cake tin. Cook for 30-35min.
Milo breakfast: Yoguhrt and 35g Instant Oats and 4 tablespoons of Milo, stir and add a little water and a spoonful of sugar to make it a little sweeter
Milo balls: crushed digestive biscuits + milo + condesended milk / cream cheese (your preference) + cinnamon; roll'em into truffle-sized balls and you'll have your milo balls
• try dunking a fresh white bread into a small bowl of milo.
• a heaped spoon of Milo on top of vanilla ice cream or heaps of milo in a little bit of milk to make it really chunky
• Pancake with syrup and milo on it
• Chop up banana and cover in milo (healthy and tasty bite sized snacks)
• strawberries with milo powder
• milo ice with Baileys
• Milo blended: blend until milo is something like a smoothie and top off with 4 spoons of milo
• Lets face it... there is no better thing than filling a LARGE cup with three quarters milo, then toping the rest up with cold milk, ever so carefully so it doesn't cause the milo to erupt from the bottom and burst over the counter.
If and only if you master this, then can you enjoy that sweet chocolate melt kinda taste that we all used to get in trouble as a kid for.(the only way to improve this is in summer when you put a few scoops of icecream in the bottom first)